Flightpath Estate

About these pages

Information should follow this general format:
Artist : Title
[Index Code]
Year Of Release
- Track Title (Time if available) [BPM if available]


- Another revision: removed that frames crap cuz it took too long to load (even on my own computer) and made some other minor adjustments
- 1995 December - Netscape2.0 coding and additional scans done by Robert Feugate
- Pictures obtained from original CD covers, scanned by Martin, Greg Eden (at Warp), or Rob
- All discographies were HTMLized by Martin Brannagan
- 1995 (mid) - All other discographies were compiled by Martin Brannagan
- 1995 (early) - The original Sabres Of Paradise (group) discographies (including remix discography) were compiled by Erkki Rautio
- 1995 (early) - The original Sabres and Sabrettes (label) discographies were compiled by Cameron Bowden

- Cameron Bowden
- Martin Brannagan aka Spoon!
- Mike Brown
- Jon Burrell
- Philip J. Downey
- Robert Feugate
- Joerg Fitzner
- Jon Green
- Damon Haley aka Bioplay
- Ernest Haynes
- George Montgomery
- Uli Nefzer
- Lazlo Nibble
- Erkki Rautio
- Jussi P Saarelainen
- Mark Shaw
- James Skilton aka Steady-J
- Hans Veneman

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