2 Lone Swordsmen, Sabres, etc at the Andy Weatherall link--it's up but there's more to come! I just had to get the ball rolling...

If you're new or couldn't be bothered with useless pictures check out the text-only discographies for things you might have missed...

Text-Only Discographies

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images/information: © artist/labels concerned
web design/layout: © Robert Feugate/Martin Brannagan 1997-2000
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-07-Dec-00 [2LS rmx] 12"- Decal: Iron Fist (Two Lone Swordsmen Remix)
-xx-Dec-00 [Weatherall] CD - Bloodsugar 6 mix
-06-Nov-00 [2LS rmx] 12"/CD5 - Six by Seven: Eat Junk Become Junk (500 only)
-06-Nov-00 [2LS rmx] 12"/CD5 - Red Snapper: Some Kind of Kink (WAP142 and WAP142CD)
-31-Oct-00 [2LS] CD - 'Tiny Reminders' on Caroline Records (US)
-24-Oct-00 [Holmes] CD - 'Bow Down to the Exit Sign' on 1500 Records (US)

-tba [2LS rmx] 12" - Paul Weller: Heliocentric (could be never)