
02 June 1999
Live at the Social Volume 3 featuring Andrew Weatherall and Richard Fearless is out now. Tracklist is somewhere below in this page. Mine hasn't arrived yet, but someone has said it is definitely the better of the two mixes.
MUZIK MAGAZINE AND Grooverider, who was guest reviewer, didn't like the new Two Lone Swordsmen 7" on Slut Smalls. From Jockey Slut (04.05.99): "Weatherall and Tenniswood provide two exclusive tracks of wigged-out electrics on the A while over Twisted Nerve's Dakota Oak Trio turn in sublime and gragile melody. Not to be sniffed at. Crap label though."
OLD-NEW SABRES NEWS, well to this Sabres fan. I just got the 12" of LMNO's Silcock Express and whoa! the mix is different than the CD. cool.
JUST ADDED TO the Flightpath is a quick link to text-only discographies. Latest stuff gets entered there first.
THE TICK TOCK remix of Chiapet is similar to the Klunk recordings. A Stomping beat with crunchy fuzzed-up snoring?! The runout reads "RGC plus 2 remix" / "Swordsmen".
'UNITY GAIN' 12": JEGA AND KID SPATULA: Unity Gain 12" (PLANET MU). "Strictly limited edition clear vinyl split single. 2000 only for the world, in special artwork, split between Jega (Dylan Nathan) and Kid Spatula (Mike Paradinas). Jega: 'Unity Grain' is essentially a remix of a Two Lone Swordsmen track which was due for release on Warp. Kid Spatula: only album to date released by Reflective in the US. A slab of dysfunctional gabba."
IF YOU STILL haven't picked up 'Stay Down', it's available in the US very soon. Here is a press release:
TWO LONE SWORDSMEN: Stay Down CD (MATADOR). "Two Lone Swordsmen (Keith Tenniswood & Andrew Weatherall) are lined up to be the third Matador/Warp co-release. Stay Down is an intense conceptual soundscape (think the KLF's Chill Out in Davy Jones' locker, instead of on the high plains) that is neither wholly focused on the head nor the feet, but somewhere in-between with its submerged atmospherics and vacillating rhythms. After a slight respite, Stay Down is followed by five bonus tracks from the A Bag of Blue Sparks EP, an invigorating mix of electro-funk that stands in sharp contrast with Stay Down's shadowy forms. Slinky, pulsating, visceral and essential."

15 May 1999
THERE ARE FEW remixes of the Lord Sabre's work, but when something gets remixed it gets done right. To jog your memory put on Versus or Swimming Not Skimming--yeah, both of those mini albums of top-notch remixes. Anyway, JEGA give 'Black Commandments' the remix treatment and have not failed one bit. Further along the ideas of 'Black Commandments 2', now with lots of scratching/cut-ups over a more prominent moody melody. Look for it on the Domestic US release of 'Spectrum'. (This was out a long time ago, but i didn't have time to pick it up--sorry.)
THE ELECTRONIC REMIX comes straight out of the Bag of Blue Sparks sessions and sounds nothing like the original. (The promo mix and commercial release are in fact the same despite the differing track names.) Where the original is rather slow and somewhat droning, the Swordsmen have injected the Prodigal Son with the sort of electro deemed for breakdancing. Fantastic stuff no less.
SOME INFO REGARDING Heavenly Social Vol 3 due for release 31/5/99 (2CD/3LP) from Muzik mag: (provided by Matthew Harden)
Andy Weatherall mix - 
    Victor Simonelli: How many tears 
    Mark Bell: Woman cry
    J S Zeiter: Pleaseure (grow! mix)
    Marshall Jefferson vs Noosa Heads: Mushrooms (salt city orchestra mix)
    Dino & Terry: Morning
    Jask: Freedom
    Nick Holder & M Turcotte: Rebirth
    Kevin Johnson: Atonement
    AL Jazz: Wind & Sea (nail mix)
    Gentleman Thief: Havana twilight
    Silicone Soul: All night long
    Nick Holder: The latin thing
    Phil Asher: Warp one
    Anthony Shakir: Roaming
    Cartridge Family: Max is the mentor
    Steve Rachmad pres. Tons of Tones: Shehezerade reprise
    Ryuichi Sakamoto: Salvation (ashley beedle mix)

Richard Fearless mix includes
    Primal Scream: Stuka (two lone swordsmen mix)
    Slam: Dark forces
    Ron Trent: Altered states (south side terrace mix)
    Voice Stealers: Unintensional
    plus some Detriot techno (69, E-dancer, Model 500) see ad for full listing. 
IF YOU HAVEN'T got Red Snappers 'Making Bones' or David Holmes 'Let's Slash the Seats' by now, they are now available for the domestic US on Matador and 1500 Records, respectively. Just for your info, the Japanese release of 'Making Bones' features the bonus track "Quick Temper" which was later released on a regular single. 'Let's Slash The Seats' features a bonus disc with the tracks:   "Gone" (First Night Without Charge)
  "Gone" (The Kruder & Dorfmeister Session)
  "Mosh It"
  "Slash The Seats" (Slash The Beats)
  "The Connecting Flight Syndrome"
  "Smoked Oak"
  "Gone" (Alter Ego Decoding Gone Part 2)
  "Gone" (Second Night Without Charge)
(all of which are available on other releases)
20 Apr 1999: NEWS CATCH UP PART 2
Trying to fix the color problems and CSS oddities. bear with me!

OLD NEWS (but listed here for the sake of it)
There's a real-audio clip with KEITH TENNISWOOD (and Amanda!) show over at FREQ.
The "last ever" 2LS interview over at FORCEFIELD.
FRAZ, from Emissions HQ, says Andrew Weatherall has done 3 mixes for the new Kenny Hawke.

17 Apr 1999: NEWS CATCH UP
apparently the 'Electronic' clear 10" promo contains the same mix of 'Prodigal Son' as the commercial 12" (despite the differing names)
Emissions Audio Output is no more and will soon be replaced by Rotters Golf Club. Amanda said there will be mp3s of something come May. Looking for something from the label? ACT QUICK as the back catalog is to be destroyed soon.
7" on C-PIJ - described as well-knowns going unknown and doing something they usually don't. according to Lance McGannon, the releases so far are:
cpij01 is barry from add n to x,
cpij02 is an alec empire/spring heel jack split
cpij03 is andrew weatherall from two lone swordsmen

16 Apr 1999
First of all, i finally got off my *ss and put this thing back up. It's still a mess but at least the text discographies should be available.

we've eliminated some areas and instead you will find direct links to pages done by people who know their stuff and keep their pages spiffy (unlike us).
Jan 1999 - spring cleaning
May 1998 - added being, redid some images
Jan 1998 - text and graphics site
1996-97 - zillions of updates, redesigns, restructure, etc
1995 - All other discographies were compiled by Martin Brannagan
1995 - The original Sabres Of Paradise (group) discographies (including remix discography) were compiled by Erkki Rautio and the original Sabres and Sabrettes (label) discographies were compiled by Cameron Bowden