Do you have any kind of working/studio daily routine? Or is this something you're fighting to keep out of? Our whole working day depends on the availablity of the Irish Air Force and its strike capability
What's your most recent disgracful behaviour?
How do you go about titling tracks?
What's your favourite TLS remix so far? Why?
Favourite DJ of the moment?
Can you dance?
When you get offered a remix would it bother you if it was only offered because of the sales you're name/repuation will generate and not your ability?
If The Sun offered you enough cash to run Emissions without ever needing to think about cash for the next 5 years in return for letting them use "Azzolini" or a TV advert what would you say?
Ian Weatherall has appeared out of nowhere. Do you swap tracks and any hopes of a Oasis type working relationship/collaboration?
Do you ever feel overrated?
What was your last argument about? Who won?
You turned down U2's offer of a remix, I heard, why?
Worst piece of music you've ever put you name to?
Tell me all your aliase? Why do you use them?
Glad to be on Warp or is it just someone to put out your music?
Why did you start Emissions? was it easy? How did you go about it?
Any forthcoming Emissions projects coming up?
Can we get on your mailing list? I'm a bit skint you see......
Amanda Burton |